Monday 12 May 2014

Timeline (P1)

Word version
Zoetrope (1786)
The Zoetrope was invented in 1786 by a man called William Horner who was a British mathematician who also was the headmaster of a school, he also studied optics which is the study of the behaviour of light which helped him to create the Zoetrope which he originally named the Daedaleum. This was a cylinder shaped object in which spun on an axis with the source of light in the centre with layers of still images that would be projected through a small gap in quick succession making it look as though the still images were moving.

The Phenakistoscope (1801)
In 1801 there was a Belgian physicist called Joseph plateau who designed the Phenakistoscope. The design that consisted of two disk one with evenly spaced holes and the other with images that once placed together and spun at the correct speed made it look as though the image was animated, this then lead on to the creation of Cinemas.

The Thaumatrope (1824)
In 1824 there was an invention created that consisted of two circular pieces of paper each with a different image on them and a thin piece of string on it and sometimes 2 going thought the middle connecting them, and when you twist them between you finger very fast it gives the appearance of a moving picture this would be a trick on the eye.

Kinetoscope (1830)
The Kinetoscope was invented in 1830 by Thomas Edison who was an American inventor (The guy that invented the light bulb). The Kinetoscope was an early way to view video, it was only usable by one person at a time due to the fact you had to look through a peep hole.

Cinematograph (1862)
The brothers showed the very first showing of the projected motion picture in 1895 at this time they showed ten short films in which were 17 meters long that had to be hand cranked, these films each lasted around about a total of 50 seconds. They showed these animations using the cinematograph that was invented by Leon Bouly, the brothers then took it on and developed it further.

The Flip Book (1868)
The flip book was invented in 1868 it can also be called a Kinograph which was patented by John Barnes Linnet in 1868 this is effectively a note book with a series of drawn images that change slightly so that when  you flip through the pages it looks as though the image is animated.

The Praxinoscope (1877)
The Pranxinoscope that was invented in 1877 this similar to the Phenakistoscope accept this allows multiple people to view it rather than only one person. This allows people such as Charles Emile Reynaud who presented their first animation in the theatre optique in December 1888.

Len Lye (1901)
He was an artist in which was born in New Zealand. During his life time he created 28 movies, his first one was created in 1929 and it was called Tusalava.

The First Film (1914)
The first film that was initially done using traditional methods (Cell animation) was created by a French artist called Emile Colh, the film was Fantasmagorie which mainly consisted of stick character that would come across objects that would change like a wine bottle becoming a flower. There was also live action parts where the creator would draw the next part on paper but it was then shot on negative film which makes it look similar.

Cell Animation
It is used in the production of cartoons or animated movies. Cell animation is when you get a transparent sheet in which each and every frame is drawn by hand. Generally a full-length film required millions or more drawings complete.

Walt Disney born in 1901
Walt Disney came around in 1926 when a studio called Laugh-O-Grams which went bankrupt, the owner of the company was Walt Disney who was literally the jack of all trades because he was an animator, producer, screen writer, actor, cartoonist and director. During his time he has created things such as Mickey mouse, his first film Snow white and the seven dwarfs which was created in 1936 and the most recent Frozen 2013.

Norman McLaren was born in 1914
He was a master many media areas such as film animation, visual, musical, graphical sound and pixilation. In 1969 he received the award for best animated short film which was called Pas De Deux.

Retroscoping (1915)
Two brothers Max Fleischer created the retroscoping which is where you a film seen gets anchored, this is when you draw over the person who is already there but this can increase the work load of people, this method was used for the film Ko-Ko the Clown.

Warner Bros (1923)
In 1923 the Warners Bros were founded by Albert, Harry, Sam and Jack Warner. This is a very successful motion picture studio, one of the most successful in fact, the company mainly focused on TV, they brought us things such as Road Runner, Looney tunes and Bugs Bunny.

Hanna Barbera born on 1957
Hanna Barbera was the founder of an American animation studio in which dominated the American Television for almost 4 decades. During the 1960's they were the only animation company to be actively hiring people, they tended to pick up a bunch of Disney's employees. The very first motion picture they created was called the Ruff and Reddy show in 1957-1960.

PowerPoint 1987
PowerPoint was invented in 1987 by Microsoft, it isn't used for animation but it maybe used to sell the idea of a new animated to the Board of Directors due to the fact that you can create slides that have information as well as inputting images so that it can help explain your idea of the new animation.

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